The Brazilian PTO’s backlog

Our Office in Brazil has been remarked as one of the main IP boutiques in trademark prosecution.

The Brazilian PTO has closed 2018 with a great increase in the productivity of its final areas, a reduction in the backlog and a decrease in the decision time, in comparison to the projections for 2018 and the final results of 2017.

In trademarks, decisions (allowance, rejecting and filings) increased from 258,823 to 376,070 (+ 45%) and the backlog decreased from 358,776 to 189,122 applications (-47%), even with a 10% increase in new registrations. Opt-in examination times increased from 48 months to 13 months and unopposed orders from 24 months to 12 months.

In the area of industrial designs, decisions increased from 9,122 to 13,350 (+ 46%); the backlog decreased from 9,288 to 2,353 orders (-74%); and the decision time was reduced from 16.5 months to 13.7 months.

In patents, decisions went from 44,781 to 42,680 (-5%). However, there was a reduction in patent backlog from 225,115 to 207,195 (-8%), since the number of decisions was greater than the number of new requests (27,024). The average technical decision time was reduced from 10.2 years to 10 years.

Compared to the current 2015-2018 management cycle, the Brazilian PTO achieved even more expressive results, as shown below:

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