Phase II of PPH between Brazil and Japan

The Brazilian PTO (BRPTO) published the Resolution No 235/2019 implementing the Phase II Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Pilot Program between Brazil and Japan.

The BRPTO published on February 12, 2019, the Resolution No. 235/2019 implementing the Phase II of the PPH Pilot Program with the Japan Patent Office, which might speed up the examination of Brazilian applications duly filed and regularly pending in Brazil after a corresponding application from the same family receives the notice of allowance from the JPO. This procedure allows the applicant to obtain a patentability decision in the second office (BRPTO) more quickly.

In this phase of the PPH program, new technologies filed are eligible to be include into the Program, such as energy, machines and electric apparatus; audiovisual technology; telecommunications, digital communication, communication basic process; information technology; Methods of Information technology for management; semiconductors, macromolecular chemistry, polymers, materials and metallurgy, agrochemical, microorganisms or enzymes and other technologies under specific classification. The classifications and rules of the Phase II of the PPH Program is detailed in the resolution.

The Phase II will be limited to 200 applications and the participation into the program is limited to 1 (one) application per applicant per month, except in the last month of the program, when such limitation shall not be applied.

Phase II of PPH Program will start on April 1st, 2019 and will run through March 31, 2021 and this Resolution will be in force until all applications reach a final decision.

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