MEXICO at the Forefront. First Sound and Olfactory Trademarks Granted

Just recently, on February 7, an event was held where Juan Lozano issued the first Registration for olfactory, sound, and commercial image trademarks.

Just recently, on February 7, an event was held where Juan Lozano—who has been recently appointed as the General Director of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI)—issued the first Registration for olfactory, sound, and commercial image trademarks, which are known as registration of non-traditional trademarks, and are the result of the reforms recently implemented in Mexico, last August 2018.

Traditional trademarks are one of the most innovative figures in the market, since they provide an added value to their products not only by being perceptible through our sense of sight, but also by smell and hearing.

The above places Mexico as an innovative nation, thus opening the doors to high-level investors, by ensuring them that there are already legal figures with greater strength and stability in terms of protection, and by harmonizing criteria with Europe and the United States, where this figure has existed for some years now.

Also, during this event, the General Director granted the Titles to the four precursors and innovators in the market:

  • Sound Trademark to Grupo Café de la Parroquia de Veracruz, S.A.P.I. de C.V., to the sound that immediately evokes images and memories to us: the spoon hitting the glass of coffee three times in order to ask for a cup of coffee.
  • Commercial Image Trademark to Germán Flores, designer of a three-piece decorative pot in the form of a figurine.
  • Olfactory Trademark to Sureste Sustentable S.A. de C.V., for paint with a scent of bamboo.
  • Olfactory Trademark to Hasbro, Inc. for a toy modelling dough with a scent of a combination of sweet with a vanilla, cherry-colored fragrance and the natural scent of a wheat flour-based dough.

As of today, the IMPI has already received more than 400 records, which are being evaluated by the examiners of said Institute.

We trust that, with the dissemination of this new regulation by all of our colleagues dedicated to Industrial Property worldwide, this initiative will be the beginning of a new era for our country, encouraging large companies to be persuaded and envision a business interest in Mexico, which undeniably would bring an economic benefit for our nation.



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