Brazil joins the Hague Agreement to regulate international industrial design registration

13 July 2023

Reviewing the measures that will govern in Brazil the industrial design registration process under the Hague Agreement as of August 1, 2023

13 July 2023

On July 4, 2023, the INPI published Ordinance 25/2023 which governs the processing of industrial design designations and registrations under the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement regarding the International Registration of Industrial Designs.

Thus, according to the Ordinance, the international registration that designates Brazil will produce the same effects as an application for registration of an industrial design filed in the country, from the date of this designation, and will be examined in accordance with Brazilian legislation and with the conditions established by INPI.

Maintaining the same deadline already stipulated by law, for the recognition of the right of priority, the holder of the international registration must submit to the INPI, within a period of 90 (ninety) days counted from the date of publication of the registration by the International Secretariat, a copy of the valid document of origin, which must contain the date, number and figures of the corresponding application, accompanied by its simple translation.

It should be clarified that the requests referring to the designation of Brazil, as well as any accompanying document, if submitted directly to the INPI, must be written in Portuguese. Besides, DAS system for the priority document also comes into force. When carrying out acts directly at the INPI, the holder of an international registration domiciled abroad must appoint and maintain a duly qualified attorney domiciled in the country, with powers to represent him.

From the notification of the designation of Brazil, the INPI must send to the International Secretariat, within a period of 6 (six) months, a declaration of grant or a notification of refusal, which may refer to the formulation of requirements during the examination, suspension of the exam due to legal action, or rejection decision.

The international registration that designates Brazil will be renewed every five years upon payment at the International Bureau, with a maximum duration of protection in Brazil of 25 (twenty-five) years, counted from the date of filing of the international registration.

The measures will come into force from August 1, 2023.

4.7/5 - (4 votes)

Daniela Lin

Lawyer. Trademarks department. Brasil office Director.


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