1 April 2020
The Cooperation Forum on Aspects of Operational Information and Industrial Property – (PROSUR) announced on February 17 the result of the second Latin American Patented Invention Contest.
The first place went to a system for recycling contaminated plastic packaging, developed by Brazilian inventors. The patent was granted by BRPTO in about three years through the “Green Patents” program, a type of priority exam that aims to speed up the examination of patent applications related to environmental technologies.
The researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Nádia Rodrigues Mallet, came in second place for the invention of a device for alternative feeding of high-risk. Nádia also received the special recognition award for the woman inventor best placed in the contest ranking.
The inventors of the Pontificia Universidad Católica – Chile won third place with a technology to diagnose and combat the human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which causes acute infection in the respiratory tract.
The winning invention will be shown at the Geneva International Invention Fair 2020, promoted by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Twenty-two applications met the formal requirements of the contest, with six finalist inventions: one from Argentina, two from Brazil, two from Chile and one from Costa Rica. Patents were assessed according to the potential for generating socioeconomic and environmental benefits.
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