Nagoya Protocol approved in Brazil

10 September 2020

The Nagoya Protocol is an international and multilateral agreement supplementary to the Convention on Biological Diversity that establish rules on access to genetic resources and equitable distribution of the benefits derived from their use and appropriate transfer of relevant technologies.

10 September 2020

The Nagoya protocol was ratified in Brazil by the Senate, after more than nine years, it was approved through Legislative Decree No. 136/2020, published in the Brazilian Official Gazette on August 12, 2020 and will enter into force 90 days after the deposit of the instrument of Ratification with the United Nations.

The Nagoya Protocol is an international and multilateral agreement supplementary to the Convention on Biological Diversity that establish rules on access to genetic resources and equitable distribution of the benefits derived from their use and appropriate transfer of relevant technologies, taking into account all rights to such resources and technologies, and through adequate funding, thereby contributing to the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of its components.

Outside that, the Protocol also covers points such as payment of royalties, establishment of joint ventures (companies association), financing research and development, sharing of results and transfer of technologies and capacitation on the subject.

Although the ratification of the protocol does not bring innovations to Brazil, because of the Federal Law No. 13,123/2015 that already establishes rules for accessing national genetic resources, this is a very an important theme for Brazil, holder of one of the largest biological varieties on the planet, the international regulation on genetic resources of biodiversity can encourage the advancement of research that may lead to new discoveries, in addition to conservation biodiversity and sustainable use of its components.

Source: Senado Noticias

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Beatriz Pereira


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