One year of the new administration of the Brazilian PTO

3 April 2020

Cláudio Vilar Furtado finished one year of administration of the Brazilian PTO

3 April 2020

The president of the BPTO (Cláudio Vilar Furtado) finished one year of administration of the Office. During this period, important measures have been implemented, as the ones shown below:

i.Operational preparation of the BPTO’s accession to the Madrid Protocol. As of October 2, 2019, costs have been reduced and the registration simplified.

ii. Implementation of the Combatting Backlog’s Plan. The goal is to reduce the time of waiting for patent examination in 80% by 2021.

iii. Beginning of Phase II of the Intellectual Property Program maintained at the BPTO, with resources from the Prosperity Fund – British Government cooperation fund. The objective is to increase the efficiency of the Office. On February 12, 2020, Phase III of the program was launched, in the amount of $18.5 million Brazilian reais.

iv. Creation of the PI Digital Plan, which aims to improve access to PTO’s services and information.

v. 100% of PTO’s services are now offered electronically with the implementation of the E-chip module; and

vi. Reinforcement of the information and communication technologic infrastructure, with investment in new equipment for greater capacity and security of data and systems storage.

The purpose of all these actions is to make the Intellectual Property system effective so that it is widely used to encourage investment and innovation in Brazil.

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