Plant Variety Rights and Audiovisual Law

22 July 2020

Reinforcement of the services concerning Plant Variety Rights and Audiovisual Law, service areas on the H&A website.

22 July 2020

Although H&A is specialised in all types of Industrial Property, Intellectual Property, Digital Law and TMT (Technology, Media and Telecommunications) Rights, we do not include specific areas of each of these rights in our website until such time as our clients’ needs demand a differentiated treatment of certain specific services, or when part of these services have a direct impact on our clients.

This has just happened with two new specific service areas that we have separated from the service areas in which they were integrated: the Protection of Plant Variety Rights and Audiovisual Law.

With regard to the protection of Plant Variety Rights, COVID-19 has brought us face to face with a reality that we are not always aware of in the developed world: that agriculture is undergoing a spectacular evolution. The increase in human population has revealed that it is necessary to modify the manner in which we exploit the land in order to meet the needs of our society. We need to obtain varieties of food plants that offer a higher yield with less exploitation of the land, and which have a greater resistance to plagues, endemic diseases and changing weather, without losing their nutritional capabilities in the process. The research focused on obtaining these improved plants involves a significant economic effort that must be compensated with the protection of the plant varieties obtained, many of them after several years of study and testing.

With regard to Audiovisual Law, once again COVID 19 has shown the importance of protecting audiovisual works, the genuine support and pillar during the confinement period, which enabled us to cope with the confinement in a better mood by occupying our free time, once outdoor activities were no longer permitted or were very restricted. New media, digital communication channels, transmission facilities … everything that enables the dissemination of audiovisual works have opened a field without borders and almost without limits, which artists have taken advantage of to disseminate their works. This talent must be protected so as to avoid a uniformity that puts an end to creativity and presents us with a uniform world.

For all these reasons, we have dedicated teams to the specific handling of the rights derived from these two very important aspects of human activity, to offer our clients the maximum quality to which they are accustomed and a greater organisational independence of these teams within the general quality structure of H&A.

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