Several H&A professionals and Latam branches mentioned in Managing IP 2020

5 November 2020

The Managing IP Directory cites every year the best professionals and firms in IP matters, chosen by the colleagues and clients. Several professionals at H&A and the Latam branches have been mentioned this year among best professionals.

5 November 2020

The prestigious professional directory Managing Intellectual Property (MIP), has just distinguished several members of H&A in its category IP RISING STARS. MIP chooses, in a rigorously impartial manner and without any type of financial compensation, the results obtained after hundreds of interviews and surveys among firms and clients all over the world. The questions cover a wide range of issues to determine firms that deserve trust and professionals who provide their services in a dedicated and efficient manner, as well as a deep knowledge of the IP matters in which they are specialists. This recognition is only within the reach of those who score highly after analysing the results of interviews and surveys.

This year, the H&A colleagues who have been selected are:

In Argentina

Carlos Guillermo Alcaraz in the field of trademark management and prosecution, and who has been appointed Trademark Star.

Ariel Ibáñez, who has also been appointed Trademark Star in the field of advice, management and litigation in the field of trademarks.

In Mexico

Josué Cordero, named Rising IP Star.

In Spain

Juan Casula, named Trademark Star.
Marta Gimeno, is noted as a remarkable lawyer.
Jesús González, appointed Patent Star in strategy, consultancy, advice, management, processing and litigation in the field of patents.
José María Mora, named Rising Star and Lucía Martín-Sanz Barrachina, also named as the Rising Star.

Special mention should be made to our partner in Colombia.

Adriana Peñaranda has been appointed as an outstanding lawyer, who in just one year at the head of our office has been recognized with important awards. It is necessary to mention that she has obtained for our firm in Colombia, the no less prestigious directory THE LEGAL 500, in which our office in Colombia is identified as a solid firm that represents large companies with interests in Colombia, especially in the pharmaceutical field.

To all of them: Congratulations. And to our clients, friends and colleagues who have voted for the members of our firm, we want to guarantee that we will continue improving day by day and will continue our work in order to offer our best services . Thank you so much for your support!

Carlos Guillermo Alcaráz
Ariel Ibáñez
Josué Eli Cordero
Juan Casulá
Marta Gimeno
Jesús González
José María Mora
Lucía Martín-Sanz Barrachina
Adriana Peñaranda
5/5 - (7 votes)


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